Plastic Free July: Meet Our Eco System

It’s Plastic Free July, which is something we are passionate about!

We are always looking for ways to reduce our use of plastic, and we discuss this regularly in reference to our own packaging. An important aim for LeeCoffee is to always be taking steps to becoming more and more eco-friendly. However, as our friends at Eco Freaks Emporium point out, plastic doesn’t have to be a complete enemy: in targeting the overuse and excessive production of single-use plastic, we believe we can make a difference, however small. (Eco Freaks Emporium have now opened a shop here in Lee-on-the-Solent – you should check it out!)

With our Eco System, you get your coffee delivered to your door in a refillable pot. It’s a bit like in the old days when people had milk delivered to their door – they would leave their empty bottles out on the step to be collected and replaced by bottles full of fresh milk. You can now have your fresh, locally roasted coffee beans delivered the same way!

To sign up to our Eco System, you pay a small deposit for a pot, choose your options for origin and wholebean/ground (coarse, medium or fine), and we’ll deliver it to you. Then, the next time you order, just select “Yes” for “I already have a pot” and we’ll swap your empty pot for a full one.

We highly recommend home grinding for that perfect taste. The great thing about our pots is that they are airtight, durable, and keep the beans away from direct light, keeping them fresh for longer!


Brew with the AeroPress


Finally… Subscriptions!