Our passion is to provide the highest quality ethically sourced coffee, freshly roasted in small batches in a way that demonstrates we care about our shared environment..

We believe in shopping local and supporting the community life of Lee-on-the-Solent, Hampshire and the surrounding area.

We acknowledge that we cannot grow coffee in the UK, but short of that, we are very careful to order beans from sources that are as traceable as they can be back to the farmers. We want everyone in our supply chain to benefit from what we do, including the farmers, ourselves, and you.

We use recyclable packaging

By doing this, we believe we can actually help make the world a better place. Community life with good coffee — what could possibly be any better than that?



Kjellfrid, pronounced ‘Shell-free’, is the director of LeeCoffee. She has roots from Norway and Japan and speaks with a somewhat American accent. Kjellfrid’s long-time passion for coffee has only grown over the years and she is absolutely delighted to finally get to take this next step in the journey.

Kjellfrid’s favourite coffees are a long black and black pour over, though she also loves a cappuccino. Her two children often tell her, “Oh Mummy, you just love coffee too much!”. Kjellfrid couldn’t disagree more.



Anna is the creative force behind our social media content and a focused multitasking extraordinaire. She is the mother of three young children and helps build a business all at the same time.

Anna hails from Essex. She has years of experience working as a barista for an excellent local coffee shop right here in Lee-on-the-Solent. Her go-to coffee is a latte, and she loves a flat white but doesn’t go a day without Aeropress with a splash of milk.



Jeremy is the practical guru, dealing with delivery, facilities and various other admin tasks that pop up. He is originally from California, married to Kjellfrid, and is very good at taming her sometimes wild ideas by bringing in the practical aspects.

Jeremy is a very creative person and loves to act and write, as well as study politics. His favourite coffee is a nice and smooth latte.

Quality beans

Quality beans

Ethically sourced

Ethically sourced

Locally roasted

Locally roasted