Do you deliver?

Yes, we deliver nationwide (UK). If you live in the PO12, PO13 or PO14 postcode area, you are eligible for free delivery. Delivery in the wider local area (PO postcodes except the Isle of Wight) is £2, and beyond that by Royal Mail for £3.95.

Can I put in a repeat order for my coffee shop?

Yes, of course. Just drop us an email with the details and we will be in touch with you as soon as we can.

Do you offer ground coffee or whole beans?

You can order your coffee either ground or as whole beans. We have three options for grind size: coarse, medium or fine.

Do you offer decaffeinated coffee?

Yes, we take great care to make our decaf as delicious as it can be, and have received lots of amazing feedback from our customers about it. We usually have a few different types of decaf on offer at any given time.

How many flavours of coffee are there?

Coffee can have a huge variety of flavour notes, depending on the way it is roasted, the altitude at which it is grown, the method of processing, and many other factors. We will feature different beans and flavour notes seasonally, so you will have plenty of opportunities to try something new!

What makes your coffee eco friendly?

We are always working to make the carbon footprint of our business practices as small as possible, and we are always looking for ways to improve our environmental efforts. While we acknowledge we cannot grow coffee in the UK, and therefore have to import it and have it shipped from far away, we do take care to source our packaging (most of which is recyclable) and other items from suppliers in the UK — the closer they are to us, the better. We are also planning other eco friendly solutions which we will launch in due course.

How are the beans ethically sourced?

We work with some amazing coffee import companies based in the UK who specialise in ethical sourcing of high-quality coffee beans. These include Falcon Micro, Small Batch Roasting Supplies and Omwani Coffee. They have great relationships with the farmers and work every day to make sure the farmers get a good wage. This has a direct impact on the quality of coffee the farmers are able to provide — so when the farmers benefit, we benefit too. It’s a win-win situation. .

What is the quality of the coffee?

The Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) has a grading scale for coffee from 0 to 100. Anything with a score of 80 or more is classed as specialty coffee. All our coffees are specialty grade according to this scale.